Gabrielle R. Sansonetti

Gabrielle’s practice focuses on white collar defense, but as the daughter of a teacher and a construction worker, she brings her blue-collar values to all her cases. A highly skilled defense attorney, Gabrielle has worked with and been mentored by the best defense attorneys in Chicago.  She entered private practice as an Associate at Genson & Gillespiea, a boutique criminal defense firm specializing in high profile white collar defense, and learned from two of the best and most highly sought after criminal defense attorneys in Chicago. Through Genson & Gillespie, Gabrielle was fortunate to work on some of Chicago’s most high-profile and complex federal cases.   The experience she gained in working these cases expanded her level of expertise to include many of the most complex federal laws: conspiracy, racketeering, public corruption, and fraud. These statutes’ complexity and ever-evolving legal landscape require specific expertise and a historical understanding of the nuances of the law. Gabrielle has this expertise.

Now, Gabrielle has established herself as a force within her own right. Consistently negotiating resolutions to the benefit of the client, forcing the dismissal of indictments prior to trial, and achieving not guilty verdicts, Gabrielle has incorporated what she learned from the best attorneys with her own style and practice. Handling criminal and civil defense matters in both state and federal court, Gabrielle aggressively fights for the best outcome for every case. Gabrielle always works hard, strategically negotiates with prosecutors, and passionately fights in court. She champions the best defense for each client, in collaboration with each client. She works to the highest standards in her profession, thoroughly researching every issue, selecting and presenting the strongest possible arguments, and ensuring that the individual’s rights are aptly and aggressively protected. No matter is too complicated or too insignificant. All clients receive her best.

Gabrielle also works with the Government on behalf of clients prior to indictment to ensure that the client’s rights and role in the investigation are protected and known by the Government. In many cases, this is the point at which individuals can avoid prosecution altogether.

Finally, Gabrielle advises and counsels municipalities to ensure the elected officials and the agents of government are operating at the highest ethical standards and to protect against any allegation of public corruption. She also defends public entities against civil rights allegations.

Gabrielle loves the practice of law, serving her community and serving her clients. She feels fortunate and grateful to be a lawyer and glad to help clients during their most challenging times.

  • Indiana University, B.A.
  • University of Illinois Chicago, J.D.
  • Illinois Bar
  • Northern District of Illinois
  • Central District of Illinois
  • Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals
  • 2025 Illinois Super Lawyers
  • 2024 Illinois Super Lawyers
  • 2023 Illinois Super Lawyers
  • 2022 Illinois Super Lawyers
  • 2021 Illinois Super Lawyers
  • 2016 Illinois Rising Stars
  • 2016 Emerging Lawyers-Leading Lawyers Network
  • 2015 Illinois Rising Stars
  • 2015 Emerging Lawyers-Leading Lawyers Network
  • 2014 Illinois Rising Stars
  • 2013 Illinois Rising Stars

United States v. Mitziga. 2024. Public Corruption. Client found not guilty after a jury trial.

United States v. Doherty. 2023. Public Corruption. ComEd Four case. Pending reversal based upon new Supreme Court decision.

United States v. Arita-Mejia. 2023. WIC Fraud. Indictment dismissed.

United States v. Curie. 2022. Gun case. Indictment dismissed.

United States v. Garraway. 2022. Drug conspiracy. Career-offender sentenced to probation.

United States v. Dhillon2022. Wire fraud. Indictment dismissed.

United States v. Vrdolyak2021. IRS perjury. Negotiated plea to the benefit fo the client.

United States v. Acevedo2021. Tax-evasion. Negotiated a plea to the benefit of the client.

People v. Dr. Yang, January 2017. Doctor found not guilty of criminal sexual assault.

United Sates v. Bolin, December 2016. Owner of internet sales business charged with mislabeling products, as well as distributing controlled substances. Client ultimately acquitted of controlled substances allegations.

United States v. Tages, March 2011- June 2015. Defendant charged under federal jurisdiction with tax fraud and health care fraud. Client health care fraud allegations ultimately dismissed.

United States v. Scalise, et. al., May 2010. Defendant charged with Racketeering Influence Corrupt Organization and weapons possession in commission of robbery. Co-counseled trial of defendant Arthur Rachel.

United States v. Cellini, March 2009. Defendant charged with wire fraud and attempted extortion. Defendant acquitted of extortion attempt  based on cross-examination of alleged victim.  Gabrielle co-authored the cross-examination strategy of the alleged victim.

United States v. Sarno, June 2009. Defendant charged with Racketeering and Corrupt Organizations Act and Illegal Video Gambling.

  • The Chicago American Inn of Court, Member
  • Board Member, The Montessori School of Englewood, since 2009
  • Member, Gala Committee for the Haymarket Center