Andrew D. Bodewes
Andrew Bodewes graduated with a Bachelor of Arts from Regis University in Denver, Colorado. After a short time advocating in the Colorado Legislature for a Denver based non-profit, Andrew moved back to Illinois to work for House Speaker Michael Madigan. As an analyst for the House Democratic caucus, Andrew concentrated on pensions, healthcare, labor and state government.
In his analytical capacity, Andrew worked on all public and private pension legislation, as well as employee healthcare and labor relations issues. Finally, Andrew served as the Speaker’s liaison to labor unions and employers throughout the State on the Speaker’s legislative priorities and the effect of those priorities on these groups.
Andrew also oversaw over $3 billion in state appropriations and the operations of specific state agencies, including the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, Central Management Services, and the Procurement Policy Board. While working with the IEPA, Andrew dealt with major state and federal issues such as wastewater taxing and alternative energy initiatives. As the Speaker’s appropriations analyst, Andrew worked with many current agency directors and the Governor’s office to change the State’s healthcare expenditures and, in 2003, participated in the nation’s largest public bond issuance for $10 billion in pension funding.
In addition to his role as a general legislative analyst, Andrew was able to work on several special assignments for the Speaker. Specifically, Andrew was the Speaker’s representative on the rewrite of both the Illinois Unemployment Insurance Act and Illinois Worker’s Compensation Act. These two revised Acts constitute the most significant changes to Illinois labor law in recent Illinois history and Mr. Bodewes drafted substantial portions of both revisions. The negotiations relating to these revised Acts required close dealing with the Illinois AFL-CIO, the Illinois Manufacturers Association, the Chamber of Commerce and the Illinois Retail Merchants Association to achieve landmark compromises.
Andrew went on to be the Director of Governmental Affairs for the Teachers’ Retirement System (TRS). In his position at TRS, Andrew achieved 100% of the systems legislative agenda. He represented the system in Washington D.C. on a variety of tax and Social Security issues and he represented the system in a Congressional Hearing on national pension funding. In Illinois, Andrew was required to work closely with both the budget and policy divisions of the Governor’s office. His constant interaction with the highest-level policy makers, as the TRS legislative director, has allowed him to maintain the Statehouse relationships established while working for Speaker Madigan.
Finally, at TRS Andrew participated in securing the largest single appropriation in Illinois’ history of nearly $1.5 billion dollars in pension funding for his agency. He also successfully defended the TRS system’s $40 billion fund from numerous legislative and executive encroachments relating to its investment function.
- Regis University, B.A.